Sierra Madre Kiwanis

Sierra Madre Kiwanis Annual Dance The Night Away and Chili Cook-Off May 12, 2018

The Sierra Madre Kiwanis Annual Dance The Night Away and Chili Cook-Off is a huge success. Folks inside and outside of Sierra Madre showed up for the annual event.

The Silent Auction was a tremendous success. The profits from the dance and chili cook-off make a difference to our community’s children.

Peter Dills was the official tasting judge. Yes, you still have the People’s Choice Award too. We didn’t leave out anything for this yearly fundraiser.

Learn to line dance and other fun country dances taught by instructors that will have you dancing the night away. Lots of fun, friends, and great chili.

Be the difference to your community’s youth through a winning bid at the silent auction.

To learn more click here.

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