Sierra Madre Kiwanis Club Events

The  Sierra Madre Kiwanis Club events are sponsored an annually. These events include; Pancake Breakfast, Dance and Chili Cook-Off, to feeding the Sierra Madre Rose Floats Members crew prior to new years. Members give their time and resources to provide quality events that entertain, generate revenue for our youth clubs, and promote the values and ideals of the Kiwanis.

For example. The annual Dance and Chili Cook-off proceeds help fund the Creative Arts Group “Imagine Art Program” benefits the students of Sierra Madre Elementary School and other youth activities.

The annual Pancake Breakfast brings together Kiwanis members and Builders and Key Club members to prep, cook, serve and clean-up this annual fundraiser. Bring together both seasoned adults and young adults in a common goal of making the best pancakes in the west.

The Sierra Madre Kiwanis Club members sponsors an annual dinner for the Sierra Madre Rose Float members and volunteers. The dinner held on one of the last days of December during the Sierra Madre Rose Float construction. This is one of our treats, we get to see the almost to completed float for the Rose Parade.

Our Sponsored Events

The Sierra Madre Kiwanis
Annual Boot Skootin Chili Cook-Off

Email Us for more information