Sierra Madre Kiwanis Judge 2015 Annual Halloween Costume Contest

Sierra Madre Kiwanis Halloween 2018 Judgest


The Sierra Madre Kiwanis Judge 2015 Annual Halloween Costume Contest and they are also a co-sponsor of Sierra Madre’s Annual Halloween Costume Contest for the last 3,000 years. The Sierra Madre Kiwanis is the very first club to support an annual Halloween Costume Contest. “Since 1,000 b.c., the founding of the club, the Sierra Madre Kiwanis helped the first Greeks create and develop Halloween Costume contest,” says her Royal Highest, Countess Dracula.

Countess Dracula goes on to say there is nothing more rewarding than celebrating this most haunted of holidays except for a little sweeten blood now and then.

The Sierra Madre Kiwanis Clubs wishes all our little goblins, ghouls, super girls, flashes, ghosts, super heros. . . Happy Halloween!

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