Sierra Madre Kiwanis Pooch Parade and Pet Adoption

During the Sierra Madre Kiwanis Annual, Pancake Breakfast is our Sierra Madre Kiwanis Pooch Parade and Pet Adoption. Bring your favorite friend either in costume or not.

Hundreds of pancakes, sausages, milk, and juice were enjoyed like never before. It was great to have Pooch Parade and Pet Adoption and Breakfast at the same time. The community really came out this year and supported both events. Congratulation goes to the citizens of The City of Sierra Madre and outlying communities supporting our annual event.

The pancake breakfast is one of the Sierra Madre Kiwanis major fundraising events. The revenue generated goes to programs and events the Kiwanis sponsor in town.

If you wish to have your best friend in the parade, you must register with your contact information, your dog’s name, and a description of the costume to [email protected] or [email protected].

You can download the Pooch Parade Entry Form here. Registration from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. with the parade starting a little after 10:00 a.m.

You may get lucky and find a cousin or two that would love to come home to you too! See you there with your whole family and a few cousins too.

Don’t forget the Annual Sierra Madre Kiwanis Pancake Breakfast is at the same time and location. Everyone loves pancakes with all the fixings.

Email Us for more information