The Sierra Madre Kiwanis Hosts Sierra Madre Rose Float Princesses Luncheon to the Delight of the Community
The Sierra Madre Kiwanis hosts Sierra Madre Rose Float Princesses Luncheon was on November 28 to celebrate their selection to the Sierra Madre Rose Float.
The Kiwanis have hosted an annual Sierra Madre Rose Float princess luncheon to introduce them to the community in an informal event for years. We also sponsor an annual chili dinner for the great people who construct and decorate our community’s Rose Float Parade. The City of Sierra Madre is one of the oldest participants in the Pasadena Tournament of Roses Parade. The city has entered an officially recognized float since 1917. As of 2018, there have been 86 Sierra Madre Rose Floats in the parade.
The entry was A historic stage-coach from the 1850 westward trek was used. The exception was during WWII when there was no Pasadena Rose Parade. The Sierra Madre Rose Float Association is a vital community organization and has brought international awareness to the City of Sierra Madre.